Mateja Car is the Manager and trainer at Brainobrain Maribor teaching children life skills. Radio announcer and a voice over artist for cartoons, radio and tv commercials. Founder of Carske poletne delavnice., where they drive strategic initiatives and growth.
Professional Journey: Mateja's career began with a strong foundation, holding key roles such as Manager and trainer at Brainobrain Maribor teaching children life skills. Radio announcer and a voice over artist for cartoons, radio and tv commercials. Founder of Carske poletne delavnice., contributing significantly to business expansion.
Professional Milestones:
- Led efforts that significantly boosted brand recognition as Manager and trainer at Brainobrain Maribor teaching children life skills. Radio announcer and a voice over artist for cartoons, radio and tv commercials. Founder of Carske poletne delavnice..
- Played a key role in strategic planning and execution.
Mateja Car is highly skilled in strategic leadership, project management, team collaboration, and industry-specific innovation.
CEO and licensed trainer at Brainobrain Maribor
Brainobrain Kids Academy Pvt Ltd
Jun 2014 - Present
Maribor, Slovenia
CO-founder of portal for recognising and accepting emotions Poligon Počutja
Poligon Počutja
Sep 2022 - Present
Slovene language and literature
Univerza v Mariboru